used to present: 104 Random AltaVista Pictures! NOT SAFE FOR WORK!

This page shows 104 out of a possible 502403159 thumbnails Alta Vista uses for their image search. Unfortunately, there is no longer any way to link to the page they came from. You can also check out this newest livejournal picture viewer.

get a new group of random images
bookmark/link to this group:$seed"; ?>
251265024) { $servernum = "a"; } $poo = strval($pookie); $pooter = "http://thm-" . $servernum . "" .$poo; $pooter2 = "" . $poo . "&avkw=xytx&stype=simage"; // print ""; print ""; // print ""; $i++; // just thumba // $servernum = 1; // $pookie = rand(1,228196352); // $poo = strval($pookie); // $pooter = "" . $poo; // $pooter2 = "" . $poo . "&avkw=xytx&stype=simage"; // print ""; // print ""; // $i++; endwhile; ?>

Now go visit the rest of!