A tale of two driver licenses

Or one license twice, depending on how you look at it.

Detail of two driver licenses showing weight and issue date.

I always try to put my actual weight on my driver license. The top one is what I weighed five years ago – 235 pounds. After that, my weight gradually crept up to the second license, and then beyond. I peaked at just under 270. I thought 235 was bad, but 270 was a whole new world of doughiness.

My weight stayed in the 265-270 range until about nine weeks ago, when I finally decided to really do something about it. The method doesn’t matter, but the progress does:

A graph of my weight loss with the last recorded weight of 234.6 showing.
If this was an ad for a weight loss thing, this is where it would say “results not typical.”

Losing the weight has been great, but I’m more happy about the invisible benefits than my appearance. I can do things like ride my bike up hills without stopping. My resting heart rate has dropped by 15bpm. My apnea dropped to “really loud snoring” – not great for Katherine’s sleep, but good for mine.

I’m not done yet – you wouldn’t believe how far I’d need to go to officially move out of the “overweight” range – but it’s pleasant for my weight on my license to be too high instead of too low.

…and yes, it’s “driver license,” not “driver’s license.” At least it is in California.

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