The Batcave I didn’t quite visit is actually Bronson Cave, and it’s been a popular site to film things for over a century. Besides being the Batcave from the 1966 series, it’s also been:
- The home of Eegah, Robot Monster and the spider from Earth vs. The Spider
- The time loop cave in Palm Springs
- The Rura Penthe mines in Star Trek VI
- Also, on the original Star Trek series, part of the planet that looks EXACTLY like 20th Century Earth, except for the Gladiators
- A bunch more Star Trek stuff
- The home of a 200 year old Volkswagen in Sleeper
Oh, and The Doors visited.

Here’s a video that breaks down a bunch of things filmed at Bronson Cave.
I also make fun of two probably-perfectly-acceptable movies. I guess I should put their trailers in as well.
And now I hear you complaining that you don’t get the title of this post. Surely you haven’t forgotten Then Came Bronson, a series that ran for one season in 1969!