Movie Pass Adventures: Dune Part 2, Oscars Live Action Shorts

Good news: only three of the five Oscar nominees feature children in terrible physical and/or emotional danger!

Dune Part 2

Dune menu bar

Gosh, what a lovely looking film about far-future political intrigue centered on a sandbox planet. 160ish minutes with lots… of… slow… intense… talking… but it never dragged. Most difficult suspension of disbelief for me: Timothée Chalomet, hardened desert fighter fighter.

I bet it was hard to deal with all the sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

The Shorts

It’s hard to talk about these with out giving stuff away, so I’m going to be extremely vague.

The After

The After menu bar

Holy cow, David Oyelowo can act. This could have easily slipped into unnatural melodrama, but Oyelowo never wavers.

Red, White and Blue

Red, White and Blue movie bar

Strong story and performances, but unlike The After this one can’t quite avoid the melodrama.

Knight of Fortune

Knight of Fortune movie bar

My favorite of the nominees. Funny, sad, heartfelt, touching.


Invincible movie bar

If you’ve ever wanted to see a 16 year old deftly anchor a 30 minute film, watch Léokim Beaumier-Lépine in Invincible.

The Wonderful Life of Henry Sugar

The Wonderful Life of Henry Sugar menu bar

I don’t know if it was seeing in a theater or just having more time to digest it, but I enjoyed this more the second time around.

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