Movie Pass Adventures: Treasure

If you name a movie "Treasure," you'd better make a film better than this.
Treasure movie bar

Man, this movie does not work. See the faces they’re making up there? That’s 95 percent of their interaction. It might work in a light comedy, but it’s a catastrophe in a story about a father and daughter visiting Poland to visit Auschwitz and examine the horrors inflicted on their family by the Nazis. Also: someone please let director Julia von Heinz know that there are other ways to show the vulnerability of a character beyond nude stress eating in a bathtub. It felt like she thought “Dunham doesn’t mind being naked; let’s throw that into the mix.”

Bonus fun: I always try to do something interesting for the front page feature image, but I couldn’t figure out what to do for this. Then I thought “They’re in Poland. I’ll color the picture to match the Polish flag!” So I looked up the Polish flag. It’s this:

Polish Flag. The top half is white. The bottom half is red.
Half nothing. How exciting!

Which translated to this for the featured image:

Stephen Fry and Lena Dunham in Treasure. They are looking to their right. They are colored red. The background is white. THAT IS IT.

Good enough for this movie.

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