Streaming Movie Adventures: Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Two

If you like long stories about side characters in the middle of penultimate stories of a movie series, then I've got a flick for you! Empire Strikes Back, this ain't.
Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Two movie bar

There’s this thing that happens in most comic book series: they have a great run, then someone else takes over and you keep reading for a while even though the new stuff isn’t good either from nostalgia or “in case it gets good again.” These Crisis movies are the film versions of that. Part One wasn’t very good, but at least it was a little fun to watch them set up the premise. Part Two doesn’t even have that. There are two main stories, one for each of the sidekicks of the Big Bad and Big Good, that feature verrrryyyy sloooowwww exposition. Then there’s a third story that mostly repairing equipment and repetitive fighting of generic looking shadow monsters. I was so bored that right in the middle I decided to stop and clean the litter box.

Part III, the conclusion, comes out in July. I’m guessing I’ll skip it.

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