Movie Pass Adventures: Sing Sing

False Advertising: no singing in this! Just a great film. WHAT A SCAM. Also: SECRET BATMAN REVIEW!
Sing SIng movie bar

While I was watching this I was thinking “Wow, whoever did the casting for this movie did a great job getting people who look like they could have been in prison. Then I looked it up afterward, and most of the cast is former prisoners who were in the acting program at Sing Sing. They do a great job- very natural and believable in the off-stage scenes, and a little stiffer and amateurish for the on-stage parts.

I also learned a cool thing about the salaries for the cast and crew: everyone got paid at the same hourly rate, and everyone in the cast has equity in the movie. No surprise that a setup like that was able to get a waiver to work during the strike.

Bonus! Batman: Caped Crusader Episodes 1-3

Batman: Caped Crusader bar

Not a movie, but Alamo showed the first three episodes. It looks a lot like the 80s animated series, which isn’t surprising since it’s a Bruce Timm show, but it’s a gritter Gotham and a less-experienced Batman. It’s fun, but I left wishing it was more it’s own thing and less of a refinement of the old series.

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