Movie Pass Adventures: The Room Next Door

Yeah, this doesn't quite work.
Also: my 2025 movie blogging plans! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINEDEDED?

A horizontal slice of Tilda Swinton's face, showing her right eye and the right side of her mouth, from The Room Next Door

My first movie of 2025!

…and it’s not great. This is Pedro Almodóvar’s first English language movie; maybe the rhythms of English don’t flow as naturally for him, and it’s effecting his directing and editing. Lots of stiff exposition, including a couple of scenes with dialogue so hamfisted that people laughed. Still, it’s mostly Julianne Moore and Tilda Swinton, and they’re often watchable.

Oooh! A new thing I’m doing!

I track the movies I watch on Letterboxd. When I log a movie, I can accept the default poster, choose one of the available alternates… or UPLOAD MY OWN. My goal this year: create technically accurate but misleading posters for every movie I see. This is the first one I’m posting:

Fake movie for "The Room Next Door" in the style of the poster for "The Room."
“Oh, hi Martha!”

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