Retro Movie Adventures: Speed Racer (2018)

Go, Speed Racer, GO!

Sparky, Mom Racer, Pops Racer, Trixie, and Speed in Speed Racer.

I really thought I’d seen this one already, but as I was watching today I realized there were huge chunks I didn’t know at all. I’m glad I gt to see this in a theater, because this movie is big and bright and has ALL the colors. It’s not afraid to be a giant cartoon. It’s smart enough to know that a race movie needs lots of car crashes, but takes advantage of cartoon reality to make sure no one dies. Everyone in an crash gets wrapped in magic safety bubbles or just happens to have a parachute.

But the best part of the movie was the woman sitting next to me who could barely contain her excitement. If a tenth of the people who saw this when it came out loved it as much as she did, this thing would have made a zillion dollars.

Hey look a poster!

Movie poster for Speed Racer modeled after Breaking Bad.
He’s a demon. His engine is the one that knocks, but only if he uses cheap gas.

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