On the one hand, this movie is terrible. On the other, it’s also excellent.
Shot for about 200 bucks by a bunch of people in a village in Uganda, it’s a faithful adaptation of a big budget action blockbuster that also gleefully mocks everything about the genre, including itself. I don’t think I’ve ever watched a movie that came preloaded with its own heckler audio track. My favorite bit of low budget ingenuity/ glorious nonsense is the bad guy with the giant tommy-gun that’s made out of a chunk of wood with a pan attached to the bottom who has a bandolier of bullets made from sharpened twigs.
I don’t know that I need to see it again, but I’m glad I saw it once. If you watch it, heed the words of the narrator: expect the unexpectable!
The fake poster was a bit of a challenge since there is not one single decent quality frame in the film, but I embraced the spirit of the film and made do with what was available. The reference poster is for a fairly recent film that had a famous director and won some big awards, but the poster wasn’t a standout. Reference movie title in the alt text.

[…] movie had a budget 500 times the size of the last one I saw: A hundred grand! A […]
[…] saw three movies in the last four days. The first had a budget of $200. The second cost $100,000. This one has a reported budget of $180 million (but […]