Movie Pass Adventures: Universal Language

The second half of my Unplanned Surreal Film Festival Weekend.

A child dressed as Grouch Marx in Universal Language.
Matthew from Universal Language on the phone, rendered in shades of gray and beige.

The second half of my Unplanned Surreal Film Festival Weekend. Also my second film of the year in Farsi, but this one is much lighter than the last one.

I didn’t remember anything I knew about this before I watched it, and I think that’s probably the best way to go into something as gloriously absurd as this. Without giving anything away, it feels a little like Wes Anderson directing Airplane (with second unit by David Lynch).

For the fake poster, I did a riff on the title. It doesn’t quite have the images available to balance out the same way as the original.

A poster for Universal Language sort-of matching the poster for Universal Soldier.

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