Mid-February Movie Rodeo Roundup Jamboree Wonder Festival

This year I’ve decided to get as much as I can out of my AMC monthly pass. To break even I have to use it to see an average of one and a half movies a month. So far this…
This year I’ve decided to get as much as I can out of my AMC monthly pass. To break even I have to use it to see an average of one and a half movies a month. So far this…
A day or two ago I saw a post where someone was complaining about being in “Instagram Jail.” At the end of the post they wrote “it’s frightening how much power they have.” And it is, but the really frightening…
I got tired of it.
“I hate this job, and I hate you, Pete!” Pete looked at his feet in complete defeat. “Look, Mickey, I know I fly off the handle sometimes, but I need you here.” Mickey Mouse was having none of it. “None…
Mickey Mouse sat quietly on the deck of the steamboat. Barely moving, barely breathing, barely existing. “Is this all I am meant to be? Is this my life?” He knew that something needed to change- but what? “Oh, I know-…
Wow. Such a brilliant bit of character development. This one’s going to recontextualize everything you ever thought you knew about Michelin Mouse! I am making space on my awards rack for all the awards I will be awarded for this…
Now that the original Mickey Mouse is out of copyright, I can finally start the feature I’ve always wanted to do since I thought of it nearly 30 minutes ago! Every day for the rest of time (or until I…
I saw this at a car wash in Van Nuys. An amazing re-imagining of “The Fully Monty” set in a nudist colony. The final scene featured the leads all putting on coveralls. Donny Osmond sang four solo songs and did…
Hey, all none of you who ever read my blog: Now I’m putting stuff you won’t see on Letterboxd as well! Let us be friends there as we are here, imaginary person! In conclusion, please enjoy this image of a…