

I make silly stuff, and teach kids how to make silly stuff.

Copyrighted Mickey Mouse of the Day #000003

Elective surgery Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse sat quietly on the deck of the steamboat. Barely moving, barely breathing, barely existing. “Is this all I am meant to be? Is this my life?” He knew that something needed to change- but what? “Oh, I know-…

Copyrighted Mickey Mouse of the Day #000002

Mickey Mouse With A Smaller Mickey Mouse For A Nose. He is saying "Pick Me!"

Wow. Such a brilliant bit of character development. This one’s going to recontextualize everything you ever thought you knew about Michelin Mouse! I am making space on my awards rack for all the awards I will be awarded for this…

Such a great show

A hand holding the program for "The Empty Monty." A stage can be seen in the background.

I saw this at a car wash in Van Nuys. An amazing re-imagining of “The Fully Monty” set in a nudist colony. The final scene featured the leads all putting on coveralls. Donny Osmond sang four solo songs and did…


Hey, all none of you who ever read my blog: Now I’m putting stuff you won’t see on Letterboxd as well! Let us be friends there as we are here, imaginary person! In conclusion, please enjoy this image of a…