I make silly stuff, and teach kids how to make silly stuff.
I love classic children’s books
Clayton Teaches
Old records were weird.
Old books were weird
Old magazines were weird.
Meet Lasagna Arab! – A Beatles Anagram
Haven’t done one of these for a while. Yo A Dabber (Abbey Road)
A Mom Ramble
It was my second try in two days to make chocolate chip cherry bread. I stood in Mom’s kitchen, kneading the dough in a bowl. Normally I’d do it on the counter, but that was covered with everything needed to…
How to spend too much time on a joke
…and how to overexplain a joke On one of the many top secret websites I visit, someone started a thread with this question: What’s a bizarre sequel to a movie or new season of a previously-canceled show you would like…
They Might Be Trolls
I enjoy torturing innocent people. One of my former students follows me on Twitter. They have a tendency to find music acts they love and absorb every little fact about them. I get that; I used to do the same…