Copyrighted Mickey Mouse of the Day: Epilogue
I got tired of it.
I got tired of it.
“I hate this job, and I hate you, Pete!” Pete looked at his feet in complete defeat. “Look, Mickey, I know I fly off the handle sometimes, but I need you here.” Mickey Mouse was having none of it. “None…
Mickey Mouse sat quietly on the deck of the steamboat. Barely moving, barely breathing, barely existing. “Is this all I am meant to be? Is this my life?” He knew that something needed to change- but what? “Oh, I know-…
Wow. Such a brilliant bit of character development. This one’s going to recontextualize everything you ever thought you knew about Michelin Mouse! I am making space on my awards rack for all the awards I will be awarded for this…
Now that the original Mickey Mouse is out of copyright, I can finally start the feature I’ve always wanted to do since I thought of it nearly 30 minutes ago! Every day for the rest of time (or until I…