Movie Pass Adventures: Snack Shack

How does Snack Shack stack? Is it on track, or does it lack?
How does Snack Shack stack? Is it on track, or does it lack?
It's my second Tilda Swinton movie in a week. I'm swimming in Swinton!
Did a journey into the unknown lead to Good Vibrations, or was it a Funky Bunch of nothing? Read on to find out!
It's INCOMPLETE MEDIA DAY! Let's talk about a movie I started yesterday and an award show I kind-of watched!
It's a lot easier to stop a movie early when you're not watching in a movie theater.
I wouldn't have missed these if I missed these.
It's animated! It's a dog and a robot! It's awesome!
Problemista Just slightly more magical than magical realism, Problemista is yet another version of the old “Salvadorean manchild working in at a ‘cryogenics for artists’ company loses his job and finds his quest for legal status in America tied to…
If you drop a glass over your sink, don’t “catch” it. …unless you want some stitches and the future promise of a nice scar, of course.