Meet Lasagna Arab! – A Beatles Anagram
Haven’t done one of these for a while. Yo A Dabber (Abbey Road)
Haven’t done one of these for a while. Yo A Dabber (Abbey Road)
It was my second try in two days to make chocolate chip cherry bread. I stood in Mom’s kitchen, kneading the dough in a bowl. Normally I’d do it on the counter, but that was covered with everything needed to…
…and how to overexplain a joke On one of the many top secret websites I visit, someone started a thread with this question: What’s a bizarre sequel to a movie or new season of a previously-canceled show you would like…
I enjoy torturing innocent people. One of my former students follows me on Twitter. They have a tendency to find music acts they love and absorb every little fact about them. I get that; I used to do the same…
Yesterday I wrote a long boring post no one will read about music I listened to in 2020. Everyone loves spreadsheets about music! Today I realized I forgot the thing I normally add: the iTunes list of most heard songs.…
There’s a web page called How Bad Is Your Spotify? that looks at your Spotify playlists and listening habits and judges you like the record store guys in High Fidelity. You cannot win. If your tastes are too mainstream, you’re…
I’ve actually been posting a lot lately, but not here. I’m riding to raise money to support people with HIV/AIDS, and making videos as I go. Since it was all about biking I decided to revive my dedicated bike blog.…