Not-Quite-Retro Movie Pass Adventures: Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016)

RIP Maximus.
RIP Maximus.
This movie came out in the middle of COVID. I started to watch it at home, got about five minutes in, and turned it off. It wasn’t for me. Then Alonso Duralde from Maximum Film was excited that there was…
I teach digital media at a middle school, and my students make a not-quite-weekly show. I made this promo for our school’s video bulletin. Kids love Ed Wynn, right?
Finally saw this. Well worth seeing.
I let myself believe a man can fly. Just the movie I needed today.
Set phasers to mercy kill.
Now I want cheese.
Bees died to make this movie.
Oh, day and night, but this is wondrous strange.