Hey, did you know there's more to the internet than giant social media content farms run by billionaires? It's true! Here are some blogs and sites I like. I like graphics and comics, so ther's a lot of that here. Will you like all of them? Good gravy, I doubt it! But I bet there's something that will scratch an itch for you.
kottke.org is Jason Kottke's personal blog, full of tech, politics, and general niftiness.
Largehearted Boy is a blog about books, music, and books & music.
GeekPress is about tech stuff.
Pulp Covers features covers of old pulp books & magazines.
Phil are go! uses book covers as a source for silliness. Also, sometimes car mods?
Vintage Everyday is a great source of curated classic photos.
Abecedarian loves old printed stuff .
gregpak.net is writer/filmaker Greg Pak's personal blog, which is more politcally focused than his professional site.
Links from waxy.org is almost all tech stuff. There's also Andy's main site, but the links change more often.
Bleeding Cool is comic book (and other media) news.
Comic Book Plus is a great source for public domain comic books.
The Digital Comic Museum is, too!
Texturelabs is an amazing free site full of unique tutorials and free high quality textures for projects. Most of them are for Photoshop, but it also has illustrator and After Effects tutorials.
TV Tropes isn't just TV; it's all about tropes in all media.
Twine is a place to make web-based Choose Your Own Adventure stories.
I also have a ton of links to digital media achives; so many that I stuck them on their own low-style, high-value page.
Do you want to make your own site? You can make a simple one for free at neocities. Want a blog? Blogger is still around! In fact, I just found a site I made for a college class back in 2008! It isn't good!